Outdoor Activities for the Whole Family This Spring

Outdoor Activities for the Whole Family This Spring

Written by: POLYWOOD Staff


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Time to read 3 min

As spring approaches, the weather warms up, the snow melts away, and fresh flowers bloom. This means whenever your busy work week ends, you and your family can enjoy the outdoors without bundling up. However, depending on where you live and societal circumstances, some outdoor activities may be unavailable to you. That’s okay, though! Here are several fun family outdoor activities that you can do right in the comfort of your backyard.

1. Giant Tic-Tac-Toe

This makes a great activity if you’re on a tight schedule because all you need is sidewalk chalk and two pool noodles. Make sure the noodles are two different colors, so you don’t get confused about who’s who. Then, grab a pair of scissors and cut the noodles into your game pieces. The noodle pieces are much easier to use than drawing your X’s and O’s with chalk because you don’t have to wash it off after each game. Once everything is situated, draw your game board and dive into some friendly competition with your family.

2. Play Catch

This classic outdoor activity is as simple as it gets. It doesn’t matter if it’s football, frisbee, or a baseball and glove. Pick an open space in your backyard and enjoy playing catch with your family while soaking up the sunshine. Plus, it'll help your kids build their hand-eye coordination whenever they try out for the football or softball team.

3. Make S’mores

When night falls, and the stars come out, roast marshmallows over an open fire and make s’mores. It’s a great bonding experience with the kids, as you teach them how to make the perfect s’more. Use a traditional fire pit if you have one. If not, you should splurge on a high-quality fire pit table. It’s much easier to clean and maintain than a traditional fire pit. Plus, it’s completely safe for kids and pets to be around.

4. Plan a Picnic

Picnics are a fun way to enjoy delicious food and drinks while getting fresh air and sunshine. If you don't feel comfortable going to the park during these times, that’s okay! Find a spot in your backyard to lay a blanket down. Then, prepare lunch with picnic staples like sandwiches, fruits, and chips. After that, place everything into a basket, head to your spot, and enjoy a lovely picnic with your family as if you were at your local neighborhood park.

5. Stargaze

If you and your family want to be blown away, all you have to do is look to the sky. Even though it’s best to stargaze in an area away from the city lights, you can still get a great view of the night sky from your suburban neighborhood. You don’t necessarily need a telescope to stargaze, but your kids will love it if you have one! To help guide you on what to look for, download an app like Stellarium, or buy a star chart. Then, you’ll be on your way to exploring the cosmos.

6. Gardening

Do you have a green thumb? Teach your kids the basics of gardening. Whether you have a vegetable, ornamental, or herb garden, planting seeds, watering, and harvesting could be an exciting venture for your whole family. If anything, it’ll at least get everyone outside to soak up some sunshine. The kids may even ace their upcoming science test too!

7. Go Camping

You don’t need to travel to a state park to go camping. Instead, head to your backyard and find a place to pitch a tent. Early spring is a great time to camp. There are fewer bugs, it’s not as hot as summer, and you can enjoy that crisp springtime smell. Your kids will love the experience of sleeping outdoors. If they don’t, it’s no problem. They can go indoors! You can at least say you tried to get them to enjoy the outdoors and not play video games.

8. Host a Movie Night

You may not feel comfortable yet planning a weekend movie outing at a theater like your family used to do. If so, have you thought about building an outdoor home theater? The whole family will love gathering around the TV or projection screen as you watch the latest movies or the old classics. Be sure to have some cozy furniture like deep seating chairs to make family movie night more comfortable and enjoyable.


Whether you decide to do one of these outdoor activities or all of them, the important thing is to have fun. Be thankful you can take a break from your hectic schedule and spend time with your family outdoors. Hopefully, these activities will create memories that you’ll remember and cherish for a long time.